At Rocktown Urban Wood, Our mission and goal is to participate in and support a market stream for local, urban timber by processing and using material that would otherwise become a waste product.
Aside from rescuing timber, we feel our main contribution is utilizing the timber to create custom furniture and other woodworkings.

Creating bespoke furniture and woodworkings from local, urban timber.
Urban Wood 101

How is Urban Wood Used?
Urban wood is defined by the size of the lot the tree(s) is growing on. The timber-cutting industry does not even consider lots with less than 10 acres. Home-owners, businesses, and many farms have trees on their property that need to be removed due to any number of reasons. Our business, aims to fill the gap and prevent these trees from being turned into firewood or waste that ends up in the landfill.
Rocktown Urban Wood selectively collects logs and uses local businesses to mill the logs into lumber. We then air dry the material to an ambient moisture content and load it into one of our two solar kilns and then into our dehumidification kiln. After the lumber is dried to 7% moisture content it gets stacked and catalogued for use in our custom woodworking shop where it will be turned into furniture, home décor, and other millwork such as trim, shelving, etc.